Board Structure

The Board
MacKinnon Parade Children’s Centre Inc. is an Incorporated Body pursuant to the Associations’ Incorporation Act 1991 and the organisation’s constitution.
The Board comprises:
The Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary, all of whom are parents
Parent representatives
The Director
A staff representative (elected each year by the staff)
The Board is elected at each AGM (Annual General Meeting) and/or voted in at a special meeting during the year if so required.
The Board is committed to supporting employees in their role of providing high quality care and education for all children who attend our Centre.
The Board meets on a monthly basis and all parents, volunteers and employees are welcome to attend.
The Board of MPCC acknowledges that the principal objectives of the service is the management of Early Childhood Education and Care related services for the children attending the service.
The Board acts in accordance with the centre’s
Mission statement
Vision Statement
Policies and Procedures
General principle of governance
In acknowledging its overall responsibilities for ensuring the MPCC objectives are carried out lawfully and responsibly. The MPCC Board adopts as its guiding principle of governing rather than a managing approach. The Board makes every effort to partition the complementary role of governance and management. The Board directs strategic effort, rather than the day-to-day management of the service.
Board Responsibilities
Setting long-term strategic direction to promote the MPCC vision, mission and philosophy
Reviewing and approving organisational plans, budgets, governance policies and major strategies
Appointing the Centre Director
Developing and monitoring policies which provide direction and boundaries for its own and the Director’s functions.
Performance and compliance monitoring
Monitoring organisational performance against plans and budgets
Addressing risk management issues to safeguard the organisation’s stakeholders and assets
Monitoring compliance with relevant laws, regulations and funding requirements
Approving major asset purchases / divestments and investments
Approving annual reports including audited financial statements
Appointing and removing the external auditor
Need to contact the Board? Please forward correspondence via The Director marked 'Confidential to the attention of The Board' all correspondence will be tabled at the next Board meeting - Held monthly